Multi-Cloud Multi-Cluster Kubernetes Orchestration with Karmada

Karmada is a multi-Kubernetes cluster application distribution management system that can create multi-cluster applications just like using Kubernetes native API.
Environment Setup
- We are going to install Karmada kubernetes plugin into our Kind local cluster (on-prem) to work as our host cluster and then it will be joining two member clusters from two different cloud providers Google Cloud Platform and Digital Ocean.
- Both members will join the host in push mode (agentless).
Go (Latest)
Create a Kind cluster
1 | kind create cluster |
Host Machine (always)
1 | wget https://github.com/karmada-io/karmada/releases/download/v1.2.0/kubectl-karmada-linux-amd64.tgz |
Initialize the Karmada control plane components on our Kind local cluster
1 | kubectl karmada init --kubeconfig=~/.kube/config |
Checking with kubectl -n karmada-system get pods
Create Google Cloud GKE Cluster and get its Kubeconfig
Notice, for GKE Kubeconfig we must install the gcloud cli and the gcloud auth plugin for kubectl in order to be able to authenticate to the GKE cluster, this is only required for GKE as Digital Ocean Cluster uses token-based authentication
gcloud requirements installation
1 | yay -S google-cloud-cli |
Add the following to your .bashrc or .zshrc
Getting the GKE Kubeconfig file locally
1 | gcloud container clusters get-credentials <clustername> --region us-central1 --project <projectname> |
Then download the file ~/.kube/config
locally and rename it to member1 or like config1
Create Digital Ocean Kubernetes Cluster and get its Kubeconfig
Go to actions and download config locally then rename it as well to member2 or config2
With everything done in enviornment setup, we join both clusters to our host cluster now
Join member clusters
To make names simpler we sed -i 's/do-ams3-k8s-1-27-4-do-0-ams3-1692406742545/docluster/g' config2
and sed -i 's/gke_esoteric-might-387308_us-central1_autopilot-cluster-1/gke-cluster/g' config1
because Karmada doesnt support special characters in names as well as longer than 48-character names.
There are two contexts in Karmada:
- karmada-apiserver:
kubectl config use-context karmada-apiserver
- karmada-host:
kubectl config use-context karmada-host
The karmada-apiserver is the main kubeconfig to be used when interacting with the Karmada control plane, while the karmada-host is only used for debugging Karmada installation with the host cluster.
Remember, although we have the context karmada-apiserver, this still not an actual Kubernetes cluster, rather it is a Karmada control plane API server running inside the Karmada-host Cluster.
Karmada simplifies multi-cluster access through its central access portals on the karmada-apiserver. This allows unified authentication to be managed within the Karmada control plane. Karmada achieves unified authentication using Kubernetes user camouflage feature.
When a cluster is added to Karmada, it generates a ServiceAccount called karmada-impersonator in the cluster’s karmada-cluster namespace. The associated token is then gathered into the Karmada control plane. This ServiceAccount lacks default permissions as it’s not bound to any RBAC.
So, let’s start with the GKE Cluster
Join GKE Cluster
In host cluster, run
1 | kubectl karmada --kubeconfig /etc/karmada/karmada-apiserver.config join gke-cluster --cluster-kubeconfig=~/clusters/config1 |
This will fail saying “no secret was found for the gke-cluster service account”, because Kubernetes no longer creates a secret token for service account automatically, so we need to create that manually. Karmada needs to use ServiceAccount and Secret to access member clusters.
So, lets make thing more clear, upon running that command, karmada will create a service account inside our GKE cluster, but the thing is, this service account which is named karmada-gke-cluster lacks a secret, and since Kubernetes decided to no longer dealing with that, we have to deal with it manually…
As shown here:
Using GKE config to edit service account and create secrets using kubectl
1 | $ kubectl --kubeconfig=config2 get sa -n karmada-cluster |
so let’s prepare our secret.yaml file
1 | apiVersion: v1 |
and edit the existing service account to append the secret name at the end
We’re done for GKE, let’s just join it as member now
This is the output to expect
1 | $ kubectl karmada --kubeconfig /etc/karmada/karmada-apiserver.config join gke-cluster --cluster-kubeconfig=~/clusters/config1 |
Join Digital Ocean Cluster
In host cluster, run
1 | kubectl karmada --kubeconfig /etc/karmada/karmada-apiserver.config join docluster --cluster-kubeconfig=~/clusters/config2 |
The same process here, Karmada will create a service account for both the docluster and the karmada-impersonator, and both will be lacking secrets.
Using Digital Ocean config to edit service account and create secrets using kubectl
Secret file here
1 | apiVersion: v1 |
View member clusters
Deploy Nginx application
1 | $ cat nginx-deployment.yaml |
Karmada, works on Kubernetes manifests as they are, but requires a distribution strategy and specification of member clusters, so let’s create PropagationPolicy.yaml
1 | apiVersion: policy.karmada.io/v1alpha1 |
The same could be achieved using a simpler strategy to duplicate across all the member clusters.
1 | apiVersion: policy.karmada.io/v1alpha1 |
So when we apply any of the above PropagationPolicies, both member clusters will have nginx deployment with two replicas.
1 | kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/karmada/karmada-apiserver.config apply -f PropagationPolicy.yaml |
Application Deployment Status
In Control Cluster
Notice there are no pods here!
In Member Clusters
What to check next?
Implemeting this whole logic in a kubernetes custom controller using Kubebuilder or client-go
- Title: Multi-Cloud Multi-Cluster Kubernetes Orchestration with Karmada
- Author: ADM-MIDA0UI
- Created at: 2023-08-19 09:30:00
- Updated at: 2024-05-17 21:05:17
- Link: https://admida0ui.de/2023/08/19/karmada/
- License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.